Accelerating Ambiguity Fixing in Kinematic Positioning Using Epoch-differenced Coordinate Information
摘要: 整周模糊度固定是高精度GPS定位的关键技术之一,加快模糊度的固定,可扩大GPS定位的应用范围和提高定位结果的可靠性。针对单频接收机动态定位的特点,提出了一种加快模糊度固定的新方法。该方法首先采用站际历元间二次差分定位模型获得高精度的流动站历元间坐标差信息,然后将该坐标差信息附加至模糊度叠加法方程中,以改善法方程的病态性,提高模糊度浮点解的精度,从而加快模糊度的固定。实验结果表明新方法可以加快动态相对定位中模糊度固定速度,具有较高的应用价值。Abstract: Ambiguity resolution is one of the key technologies for high precision GPS positioning. Accelerating ambiguity fixing can expand the application and improve the reliability of GPS positioning. Based on the characteristics of single-frequency GPS kinematic positioning, a new method to accelerate ambiguity fixing is proposed in this paper. First, a receiver and epoch double differenced approach was used to get the epoch-differenced coordinate information between neighbouring epochs. Then, the epoch-differenced coordinate information is combined with the ambiguity normal equation. Adding epoch-differenced coordinate information to the ambiguity normal equation can decrease the ill-posed-ness of the normal equation, so the accuracy of the floating ambiguity solution was improved and the convergence time of ambiguity was shortened. Experimental results show that the new method can accelerate ambiguity resolution in GPS relative kinematic positioning with good application value.