摘要: 目的 近年来,大数据越来越多地被用来描述正在到来的信息爆炸的时代,也引起了产学研政府部门的高度重视。首先综述了大数据和空间大数据的特点和最新发展。其次,从GIS基础理论方法的角度回顾和评述了空间分析、空间建模和空间优化等三个地理信息科学的核心议题。在此基础上,引申出空间理论方法背后隐含的空间哲学和空间思维。最后指出了大数据时代地理信息科学发展的机遇与挑战。Abstract: Objective In recent years,Big Data has been increasingly used to refer the coming era of informationexplosion.Industry,academia,research and government sectors all have paid more attention to bigdata.This paper provides a comprehensive review on the characteristics of and recent advances in bigdata and spatial big data.Specifically,three core concepts in GISciences,spatial analysis,spatialmodeling and spatial optimization,are addressed and discussed from the theoretical and methodologi-cal perspectives.Further,the spatial philosophy and spatial thinking underlying the spatial theoriesand methodologies are investigated.This paper ends with a discussion of the opportunities and chal-lenges for the GISciences in an era of big data.
- big data /
- spatial analysis /
- spatial modeling /
- spatial optimization /
- spatial philosophy
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