Spherical Circle Fitting Algorithm and Its Application on Azimuth Determination by Observing the Moon
摘要: 本文提出了一种球面圆拟合算法,解决了月球视面中心的确定问题。结合该算法,利用仿真测量数据,研究了月相及月相姿态对月球视面中心拟合精度的影响。通过观测实验验证了球面圆拟合算法的正确性,并与原有的算法进行了定向结果的比较。结果显示,球面圆拟合算法与原有算法的拟合内符合精度相当,但外部检核精度提高了大约0.5″,建议在工程实践中采用本文提出的算法进行测月定向。Abstract: The Moon is the brightest body in the night sky, and it is of great value to be used to determine the azimuth. However, the key problem is how to solve the center of the apparent Moon accurately. This paper puts forward a new method called spherical circle fitting algorithm to determine the center of the apparent Moon. It has such many merits as strictness, briefness and little calculation in contrast to the existing algorithm. Simulated observation data is processed to understand the relationship between the attitude of the phase of the Moon and fitting accuracy. An experiment based on real observations was used to testify the correctness of the algorithm, and a comparison is made between the spherical circle fitting algorithm and the old algorithm. The results show that while the inner precision is almost the same, the outer accuracy of our algorithm improves by 0.5″. These results suggest that spherical circle fitting algorithm is more suitable for engineering applications.