Normalization of Multi-temporal MODIS NDVI Based on6SRadiative Transfer Model
摘要: 目的 基于6S辐射传输模型,对连续6个时相的 MODIS影像进行逐像元大气校正获取地表反射率,以此实现 MODIS NDVI的时相归一化。归一化后,地物 NDVI的时相趋势与校正前相比差异显著,能更加准确地描述地物随时间变化的规律,在浓密植被区域表现更为明显。开展对 NDVI时相归一化的研究,对全球变化、作物物候监测等遥感时序分析相关应用具有着重要的意义和实用价值。Abstract: Objective In this research,six MODIS L1Bdata of four consecutive days were normalized through pix-el-by-pixel atmospheric correction based on the 6S(second simulation of the satellite signal in the solarspectrum)radiative transfer model.Results show that the trend indicated by NDVI after normaliza-tion was different,and has better agreement with the phonological law,especially for pixels withdense vegetation.