
A Method of Automatic Cloud Detection Using TM Image

  • 摘要: 目的 有效利用TM 影像中云层的光谱和形状特征,提出了一种基于最大类间方差的云层自动检测方法。该方法首先利用云层和雪区的波谱特性差异,基于最大类间方差法实现云层的阈值化分割;然后利用粗分云层的形状特征做进一步判定分析,最终实现云层的提取。实验表明,与传统的人工阈值方法相比,本方法可以有效地从 TM 影像中检测出云层,降低人工参与程度。


    Abstract: Objective In this paper we propose a method for automatic cloud detection,which employs both spec-tral and shape features.This method includes two main steps.First,based on the different spectralfeatures of clouds and snow,an otsu-based method is used for threshold segmentation of a TM Image.Then,clouds are successfully extracted by discriminant analysis using the shape feature.Experimentsindicate that as compared to the traditional threshold-based methods,the proposed method can effec-tively detect clouds with an improved automatization level.


