
A Parallel Decision Support System for Land-Use AllocationOptimization Based on Artificial Immune System

  • 摘要: 目的 从土地资源优化配置的两大核心问题的基本特点和求解需求出发,提出了面向土地资源优化配置问题求解的多目标人工免疫优化模型框架;对智能决策支持系统的架构、算法扩展与应用扩展接口、优化模型的并行化策略等关键技术进行了设计;选取湖北省秭归县作为实验区,对系统的通用性与可扩展性进行了验证,并对优化模型的多目标寻优能力和并行性能进行了评估。


    Abstract: Objective The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system for solving land-use alloca-tion optimization problems.After analyzing the characteristics of land-use allocation optimizationproblems,a framework for multi-objective artificial immune system model for land-use allocation opti-mization was proposed.Then,the architecture and a series of standard application programming inter-faces(APIs)for the system are designed to meet the needs of users with different roles.Finally,theland-use allocation optimization problem of Zigui County in Hubei province of China is employed as acase study to evaluate the functionalities of the system and the performance of the optimization mod-els.


