
The Experiment and Analysis of Zero-differenceAmbiguity Resolution for Kinematic PPP

  • 摘要: 目的 采用CNES发布的整数卫星钟差产品,实现了模糊度固定的动态精密单点定位。分析了全球10个台站的观测数据,结果表明,模糊度固定后动态精密单点定位水平方向精度可达1~2cm,高程精度优于3cm。


    Abstract: Objective In this paper,we realize the ambiguity-fixing PPP using the integer clock product publishedby CNES.Ten globally distributed IGS tracking stations are processed.The results show that the ac-curacy of kinematic PPP with ambiguity fixing can achieve 1-2cm in the horizontal direction and a 3cm level for elevation;very attractive for the kinematic positioning applications.


