
Estimation of  Sea  Ice  Thickness at  Zhongshan Station  in Antarctica Based on a Combination of GPS and Tide Observations

  • 摘要: 基于力学平衡原理提出了一种联合验潮与GPS测量极区海冰厚度的新方法 由海冰上的GPS观测可得到海冰上表面高验潮可提供海水面高联合两种观测数据可计算得到海冰干弦高度再结合海冰表面积雪厚度与冰雪密度数据由力学平衡原理可构建海冰厚度的计算模型 根据这一原理通过中国第28次南极科考队在中山站附近海冰上的实验监测到了2012年9月22日至11月9日的海冰厚度变化 与钻孔实测冰厚相比其总体精度达到了cm级最大差异为8.9cm差异的均方根为5.4cm.


    Abstract: Due to  the  tidal  effectsea  ice  in Polar Regions moves verticall y alon g with the  sea  level.The elevation  of  the  sea  ices upper  surface  can be detected by a GPS receiverand sea  level  can be measured by tide  observations.Thereuponif  we can provide  the  thickness  of  the  snow cover  over  the sea  iceand the densities of  snow and sea  icethenaccording to  the princi ple  of  hydrostatic balance thickness  of  the  sea  ice  can be derived by a combination of  the GPS and tide  observations.The experiment conducted by the  28th Chinese National Antarctic Expedition at  Zhongshan Station  in Antarctica during September  222012to November 9indicates that  the  sea  ice  thickness  can be  estimated  in  centimeterlevel  accurac y by this  app roach.Compares  to  the measurements made by drillin g holesthe maximum difference  is  8.9centimetersthe  root mean square of  the  different  values  is  5.4centimeters.


