
prediction of  satellite clock bias based on wavelet transform andleast squares  support vector machines

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于小波变换和最小二乘支持向量机的卫星钟差预报方法 首先通过小波变换把钟差时间序列分解成具有不同频率特征的分量然后根据各分量的特点构建不同的最小二乘支持向量机模型进行预报最后将各分量的预报结果进行叠加得到最终的钟差预报值 实验结果表明该方法的预报效果优于单一的最小二乘支持向量机模型以及常规的二次多项式模型和灰色系统模型


    Abstract: this paper  proposes  a novel method for  prediction of  satellite  clock  bias scb based onwavelet transform and  least  squares  support  vector machineslssvm.the method first  decomposesscb time  series  into  different  fre quency components  through the wavelet transform al gorithm.thenaccording to  the different  characteristics of  the decomposed componentsthe proper lssvm are  constructed  to predict  the  components.finall ythe  final  prediction value of  scb is  yielded  by the  lineari ty super position  for  the  res pective predicted  result.the  experiment  shows  that  the proposed method can  improve  the prediction  accurac y of  scb when the quadratic pol ynomial qp modelgm11model and lssvm model


