
Fitting Method for GPS Satellite Clock Errors Using Wavelet and Spectrum Analysis

  • 摘要: 根据卫星钟固有的特性,即频移、频漂和频漂率以及周期性,提出一种新的拟合方法。新方法首先构造一个合理的钟差模型,该模型包含一个二次多项式和多个周期项。然后利用IGS提供的钟差产品数据,先粗略补充缺失数据,用二次多项式拟合;并对拟合后的残差进行小波分析,作降噪处理;最后通过谱分析,确定其主要的周期项,从而构建出适当的拟合模型,实现精密GPS卫星钟差拟合和预报。多天数据的实验结果表明,采用本文提出的新方法能够有效地对卫星钟差进行拟合和预报,满足不同目的的需求。


    Abstract: A new method is presented based on the characteristics of the satellite clock errors,i.e.the bias,drift,acceleration and periodicity of the clock.First the new method constructs a reasonable model.The model includes a quadratic polynome and the periodic terms.Then IGS satellite clock error corrections are used and lost data are repaired with the quadratic interpolation and the noise of the residuals after the quadratic fitting are reduced by the wavelet transform at last the dominant periodic terms of the residual variations are found by using the spectrum analysis.On the basis of them,precise fitting and predicting of GPS satellite clock errors are achieved.Experimental results of a few days demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the new method.


