
Ionospheric Effects Analysis Associated with aTotal Solar Eclipse on July 22,2009

  • 摘要: 选取2009年7月22日发生的日全食前后的电离层垂测仪数据来分析日全食期间的电离层响应,并尝试通过掩星电离层反演方法探测本次日全食引起的电离层效应。结果显示,利用垂测仪和COSMIC掩星反演均能够探测到日全食期间受日食影响的电离层的显著变化,但利用COSMIC掩星反演提取的电离层效应所具有的时间分辨率还有待提高。


    Abstract: When a total solar eclipse occurs,various radiation sources from the sun will be coveredgradually by the moon,thus resulting in all kinds of geophysics phenomenon.Therefore,to carry outobservation and investigation on the geophysical effects related to total solar eclipse is of certain prac-tical significance and scientific value.Based on the Ionosonde data before and after a total solar eclipseon July 22,2009,this article analyzes the ionospheric response during this period,and attempts to ex-plore the ionospheric effect caused by total solar eclipse by the inversion of ionospheric GNSS occulta-tion.Results demonstrate that the remarkable change of the ionosphere caused by total solar eclipsecan be detected by both plumb meter and COSMIC occultation inversion methods,although the tem-poral resolution of the ionospheric effect extracted by COSMIC occultation inversion needs further im-provement.


